Finding Joy and Peace

Joy and Peace

Hi There, 

Hi There, 

This blog is to help us live joyfully! 

I will help you find more Joy and Peace in your personal life, marriage and family

and help you discover that your sorrows can bring out the Glory within you.

Sorrow Lets the Glory Out


Let the Glory Out

Podcast Categories

Insightful interviews on finding joy and peace in the midst of our afflictions and, in the process, discovering the glory within us.

Helping families find more joy and peace through the craziness of life.

Interviews and stories of heroes that inspire us to persevere and do hard things because we know that God is watching over us.

Interviews that answer the question “How have you seen the hand of God?”

Podcast Categories

Insightful interviews on finding joy and peace in the midst of our afflictions and, in the process, discovering the glory within us.

Helping families find more joy and peace through the craziness of life.

Interviews and stories of heroes that inspire us to persevere and do hard things because we know that God is watching over us

 Interviews that answer the question “How have you seen the hand of God?”

Recent Podcasts

Jesus Christ Our Beloved Redeemer

What would our lives be like without Jesus Christ? Have you ever pondered this question?  Russell Nelson taught,   The more you learn about the Savior, the easier it will be to trust in His mercy, His infinite love, and His strengthening, healing, and redeeming power. Your growing faith in Him will...


Give Thanks In all Circumstances

Is it really possible to give thanks in all our circumstances? What about the times when everything seems to be going wrong in our lives?  Dieter Uchtdorf explained that,  “Being grateful in times of distress does not mean we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we...


Whatever Jesus Lays His Hands Upon Lives

The storms of life are no respecter of marriages. What will we choose when they come? Satan would have each of us turn inward and pull away from our spouse during times of trial. The Savior’s approach is the opposite, He says “come unto me all ye that are heavy...


Finding My Way To Christ

 Each of us will experience the unfairness of life, and receive injuries, whether real or perceived, at the hands of others. Will these injuries cause us to become spiritually blinded with anger, and revenge or with draw from the fold of God ? Or will we choose to accept, forgive,...


Blog Categories

Recent posts

“Wise Men Still Adore Him”

What I love about Jesus Christ I love that Jesus Christ loved us so much that He, the God of this world, the great I Am, Jehovah, of the Old Testament was willing to take upon Himself flesh; dwell among...

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Wishing Flowers

I recently asked a little girl, “What makes you happy?  She said, “Wishing flowers!” Her mother proceeded to explain that, a wishing flower was a dandelion that had gone to seed and that her daughter loved to make a wish...

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A Gift for Grandma

By Camille Brooks When I was nine years old, I began cleaning my grandmother’s house. I would go over about once a week after school and do whatever she instructed me to do. The best part was after I was done cleaning, she would invite me into the kitchen to...

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Do you ever get discouraged as a mother?

Do you sometimes get lost in the mundane work of caring for a family, and wish you could do something great to make this world a better place?  I love this quote by Neal Maxwell shared in episode #27 from Finding Joy and Peace. It has helped me have perspective...

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“And If Thy Brother (or Sister) Hath Ought Against Thee”

When I was a young mother, our oldest son had an elementary school teacher that was brand new and fresh out of college, and still learning the ropes of teaching. When her students misbehaved, she sent pink slips home to the parents. Apparently she gave out a lot of pink...

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Can I Grow Up to Be Like You?

My day started out zooming a 2 year old granddaughter who lives far away. She hugged and kissed me through the screen, and begged me to read her stories. I was so touched how unconditional her love is for a woman she only knows through a screen.    Later in...

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Slide 1
The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

Russell Nelson

Slide 2

God invites us to respond with faith to our own unique afflictions in order that we may reap blessings and gain knowledge that can be learned in
no other way.

Evan Schumutz

Slide 3
Come unto me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Mathew 11:28

Slide 4
If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness.

Joseph Wirthlin

Slide 1
The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

Russell Nelson

Slide 2

God invites us to respond with faith to our own unique afflictions in order that we may reap blessings and gain knowledge that can be learned in
no other way.

Evan Schumutz

Slide 3
Come unto me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Mathew 11:28

Slide 4
If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness.

Joseph Wirthlin