I have found it is helpful to talk about what is hard. When we give voice to our affliction it helps us process what is going on and see things more clearly, and it can help us feel the Holy Ghost’s  counsel.

A question I like to ask others is “What is the hardest thing for you right now? I have found it helps people work thru what ever hard time they are going through, and it gives me an opportunity to compassionately minister to them, which is a blessing to me as well.

 It is not easy to be vulnerable and share our challenges with others and yet is necessary if we are going to be emotionally healthy. We all have a need to talk, and share our feelings and emotions and have them validated, but we need a Christlike person to do it with. Let us each in the similitude of the Savior be that kind of person.

I invite each of us to ask our loved ones this question on a regular basis.  It will help relieve some of the stress and anxiety that they might be feeling with all that is going on right now.

The Podcast “I don’t have to make everything all better” is a wonderfull resource to help  all of us learn how to really listen and walk emotionally with another person, without trying to change their direction.  

#comeuntochrist, #validation, #listening, #peace, #joy, 

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