I love this quote! As a wife and mom, I always feel like I need to make every thing all better when things go wrong in my loved ones lives. I wan’t to fix it. It was so empowering to understand I can’t fix it, nor should I try. Each person has the power within them to solve their own problems. My stepping in robs them of that opportunity. 

Instead I can show empathy and compassion by listening and validating there feelings. Walking with them emotionally as far as they need to go without trying to change their direction. 

I love it when I am actually able to apply this principle. It is charity in action and when applied it works because–“charity never faileth.”  However, I don’t always remember and find my old ways returning.

I messed up big time this week and did not remember this truth. I was a in a situation where I felt like I was being forced to change my mind and agree with the other person. I forgot that validation does not mean you agree, condone or give up your own personal boundaries. It is just pausing and responding the way the Savior would, with compassion for their feelings, not trying to change them. I wish I could say that I did that, I didn’t. 

Validation is a powerful way of applying charity. I know I need to remember to apply it more in my life and I believe with all that  is going on in the world right now, validating others feelings  could really make a difference. 

If you have not listened to Gary Lundbergs podcast I Don’t Have to Make Everything all Better from the series Joy in Marriage and Family, I hope you will. His teachings, insights and stories really help us learn how to apply validation. I find I need to be reminded often of these principles.

#comeuntochrist, #joy, #peace, #validation, #understanding, #charity, #listening

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