We can feel enduring joy when our Savior and His gospel become the framework around which we build our lives. Terence Vinson 

I have found this quote to be true in my life. No matter what my personal trials are I can still feel a measure of joy and peace in the midst of the trial. I know It doesn’t seem logical that you can feel joy and peace when you are suffering, but it is. 

The gospel of Jesus Christ gives our trials meaning and purpose and explains the purposes of adversity in our lives. Trials are to help us become more like God so we can return to Him. When we remember this ultimate purpose, it helps us endure cheerfully and patiently. 

I created the following statement for my self when I was going through a hard time, to help me remember the purpose of trials so in the end my suffering would not be in vain. I hope it is a blessing for those of you who are suffering.  

“Trials are not tragedies unless we make them so. 

They are opportunities for us to really need the Savior. 

In our needing Him, we come to know Him. 

As we come to know Him, we become like Him.  

However, if we do not need Him, come to know Him, and become

 like Him through our sufferings, we have just suffered in vain” 

(Camille Brooks)

If you have not listened to the podcast “Understanding Adversity do! Guest Kent Brooks a professor of religion at BYU teaches the gospel doctrines that create a framework for understanding the purposes of adversity. 

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