I recently had the opportunity to help my daughter in-law paint her living room, it was so fun to work along side her. As we talked a flood of wonderful memories came into my mind of working with my children.

I remember talking my son into refinishing his bedroom furniture not necessarily because it really needed it, but because I wanted to spend time with a teenage son and teach the value of hard work.

So it continued with each child.

Let’s remodel you bedroom together—strip wall paper, paint, refinish the furniture, and sew curtains.Let’s sew a prom dress together.

Lets refinish great grandpas bedroom furniture and then you can have it!

I was always looking for ways to work side by side with my children, so that I could spend one on one time with them and teach the value of hard work, and hopefully help them experience joy from their labors. But most of all, it was my way to say “I love you!”

The time flew by and before you know it, they were gone. They all married and began families of their own. But the privilege and blessings of work continue. I still look for ways to work along side my married children, daughter in-laws, son in-laws, and grandchildren. Helping them paint, landscape, refinish furniture, sew, and remodel their own homes. I love to see the smiles on their faces when a project is completed.

I still hope they know, it is my way of saying, I love you, you are precious to me. There is nothing I would rather do than spend time with you, working on what you want to work on.

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