I love this quote, it is so true! As I look back, there is one thing I will never regret, and that is the time I spent nurturing and playing with my children and grandchildren. They grow so quickly, and we do miss them profoundly when they are gone. Every moment spent just enjoying them is so precious. The other day I was cuddling with my grandson and reading a pile of books. The next day he brought the same pile of books to me and nuzzled his head into my chest, wanting me to read and cuddle with him again. I was so touched, that our moment together the previous day had meant so much to him that he wanted to do it all again.

Covid has given immediate families more opportunities to spend time together. Yes, there will be more fingerprints that show up with all the children stuck at home, nevertheless rejoice in this opportunity to spend time with them. If you do make time to play with your children, I promise it will be one decision you will never regret! The moments you spend nurturing children will warm your heart as you grow old and will stay with you through out eternity.

#joy #peace #givethanks #comeuntochrist

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