As I have strived more, to let God prevail in my life, I have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit more. I found that as I let God prevail, more promptings would come and I would think, “wow this is so neat, I love the insights and promptings from the spirit.” 

But time would pass, and I would realize I had not yet acted on the impression. So, I set a new determination that no matter how hard it might be, I would act on impressions immediately. 

It was hard somedays, so I would have to get on my knees and after expressing gratitude I would say, “ I acted on the impression that thou sent me, but now I have run out of time, and am in a bind. Please help me to accomplish this and this….. I only have this….amount of time left.” Sure enough a miracle! I would accomplish the task in the given amount of time. 

I know that if we let God prevail, we we will hear His voice more often, and as we act immediately on the promptings that come, God will prevail again and provide a way for us to do not only as prompted, but all that is necessary as well. 

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