What does it mean to be an american? Clip-Private Virtue

This video clip is from the podcast episode #28. Gove Allen tells a story from history to illustrate the meaning of Private Virtue. It is so inspiring! However I had to edit it out due to its length but, It will give you a taste of this rousing podcast.

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Podcast Description

What Does it Mean to be an American? (Joy in Heroes) With Gove Allen

Most countries have a national language, culture and ethnicity.  This is not so for Americans. We represent a melting pot drawn from all nations, ethnicities, languages, and religions. So what does it mean to be an American? 

Today our guest, Gove Allen will address this question, by walking us through the seven founding values which make us Americans. He will help us understand our roots and how these foundational virtues became the bedrock of America.  

These values are what give us our identity as Americans and make us great. Without them we are no different than any other country. 

Five of the founding values have lost their original meaning in  the hearts of many Americans. 

D. Todd Christofferson warned, 

“A thriving society can fail in time if, it abandons the cardinal virtues that uphold its peace and prosperity.”

We need this podcast to be shared with every American in the hope it will inspire each of us to reaffirm and embrace these seven virtues in our lives. We are a nation at risk. God bless America!


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