I have come to know that God knows me better than I know myself. God knows exactly what I need to grow and become more like Him. He takes my darkest, loneliest, most uncertain moments and turns them to my good. He mentors me thru my adversity. I never cease to be amazed by this!

I sometimes think I know what is best for myself. But then I find the Lord giving me little nudges. “Saying go this direction instead, try this, stop doing that, and start doing this.”I find these nudges taking me in a direction I never would have imagined, like Podcasting.These nudges are always going against my personal preferences, hard and daunting. However, it causes me to even more than ever trust in the Lord and the enabling powers of His Atonement. I am so grateful for my Savior, who not only paid for my sins but suffered all my infirmities, so that he could run to succor me.

What experiences have you had that have helped you come to know this truth—that God knows you better than you know yourself?

Listen to inspiring stories of individuals who access the powers of the Atonement and find more Joy and Peace with their families at: https://findingjoyandpeace.com/podcasts/ or on your favorite podcast app.

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