Setting Boundaries and Surrendering to God

This podcast is for everyone. Guest Rhyll Croshaw has had vast experience establishing and maintaining boundaries and helping women all over the world do the same. She applies the process of setting boundaries and surrendering to God to all family relationships and aspects of life. 

Setting boundaries with a spouse, child, or relative enables us to have real power over the chaos that can sometimes occur in marriage and family relationships and creates safety for those involved. When we don’t have boundaries, we risk being controlled and manipulated. Boundaries foster respectful and emotionally healthy relationships which can generate more joy and peace in our homes, and empower us to love ourselves and others more.

If you have struggled with setting boundaries in your marriage or have struggled with the effects of pornography in your home. I suggest reading Rhyll Croshaw’s book, “What can I do about Him? Me?” It is a great resource to help you find tools to overcome the effects of pornography in marriage and to find healing for yourself and your marriage. You can find it at: Also can be a game changer for those with these kind of challenges. 

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