how can I help you today?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a frustrating few days with lots of technical problems. I felt the adversary tempting me with a lot of negative self-talk, striving to convince me I should abandon podcasting and blogging. My first year in this endeavor has been extremely difficult. I didn’t grow up with technology and so there was a steep learning curve. This required me to trust in the Lord and pray with all my heart, many times a day, to figure out how to do things and how to solve a multitude of problems.
In spite of the many challenges I encountered, I rarely got discouraged because I witnessed daily miracles. These tender mercies provided reassurances that through persistent and diligent effort, I could do it.

Then I found Satan tried a new strategy. As I approached my first year anniversary—April 14, he filled my head with negative chatter saying,  “It’s almost been a year and there is still so much you don’t know. You keep making mistakes. You can’t do this. You might as well call it quits.”  
I surrendered my feelings of inadequacy to the Lord and said, “If you want me to quit I will, but If not, please send help.” The Lord answered my prayer in the most unexpected way. He sent my grandchildren to visit for spring break. 

Each morning, my 14 year old grandson would wake up and say, “Grandma how can I help you today?” Or, “Grandma, what can I teach you today?” Or, “What would you like to learn today, Grandma?” Then, he would spend a couple of hours teaching me and helping me solve concerns before the other grandchildren arrived. 

I was so touched with his compassion, his unselfishness and his willingness to sacrifice his vacation time to help his Grandma.  And I was reminded of a very important question, “How can I help you today?” 

I use to ask that question of others often. What happened? Had I allowed myself to become so distracted by my own inadequacies and problem-solving efforts that I was forgetting to apply this important truth in my relationships with others? I realized I had. Not only did the Lord send help and the encouragement to press forward with my podcasting, through my grandson, He also sent a kind reminder: 

As you strive to make this world a better place, remember it is the daily acts of service with your family that build the foundation for a better world. Never forget to ask, “How can I help you today?” 

#comeuntochrist #findingjoyandpeace #family #service

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2 thoughts on “how can I help you today?”

  1. Sis Brooks, I love reading your blog and listening to the podcasts! I can’t tell you struggle with all these technical difficulties because everything seems to be so seamless and smooth. Thank you for your effort to get this up and running despite the obstacles. Love you!

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