Joy is Ours For the Choosing

When we do not accept what is, life is an illusion—an illusion that, like a pit of darkness, keeps us from seeing clearly, makes us claustrophobic and suffocates us in vexing negative emotions.

When we live in truth, we accept what is. When we live in illusion, we attempt to deal with what isn’t. In other words, we deny truth—things as they really are—and get mired in how we think things should or should not be. Ours becomes a world of wishful thinking.

Today’s guest, Sherrie Mills Johnson, teaches this in her book “Count it all Joy.”

She says, “while you are busy throwing punches at illusion, real life goes on all around you—unexperienced and unenjoyed—and problems go unresolved.”

In this podcast, Sherrie will walk us through the pit of illusion to the other side, where we will come to understand the difference between necessary pain and unnecessary pain and discover that joy is ours for the choosing.

Stay with us. I believe you will be inspired.

You can find Sherrie’s book Count it all Joy and all her other books on Amazon

  Her publicans are Spiritually Centered Motherhood, Man Woman and Deity and twelve Book of Mormon picture books,   a novel A House With Wings, The Bible Treasury for LDS Children, and Gospel Insights for Everyday Living, Finding Peace in a Troubled World, and the book we are talking about today Count It All Joy. Sherrie has also published more than one hundred-fifty articles, essays and short stories in various magazines and as chapters in books. 

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