A Gift for Grandma

By Camille Brooks

When I was nine years old, I began cleaning my grandmother’s house. I would go over about once a week after school and do whatever she instructed me to do. The best part was after I was done cleaning, she would invite me into the kitchen to have a root bear float with her. We would sit in her little kitchen nook and visit while we sipped. Oh, how I loved this time with Grandma! 

Three years later, when I was twelve years of age, Grandma was sent to the hospital. I didn’t worry to much about it, I just thought that is what old people had to do from time to time. 

When the day I normally went to clean house rolled around, I knew Grandma wasn’t there to tell me what to do, so I had thought I wouldn’t go. But I received a very distinct impression that I should go anyway, so I did. Without Grandma there to tell what to do, I had to decide on my own. I concluded that the whole house needed a good cleaning. With no one there to stop me and say that’s enough, I just kept going and going and spent hours cleaning. The house had never looked so clean!

I remember how wonderful I felt. It was so much fun to be giving Grandma a secret gift. I thought boy is Grandma going to be surprised! I couldn’t wait for her to come home and see my gift of love. But Grandma never came home from the hospital. 

Interestingly, the family decided to have her viewing in her home. As I walked into her living room and saw grandma, I can’t even begin to express the peace and joy I felt! I realized the Spirit had prompted me to clean Grandma’s house, knowing it was a holy place where her body would be viewed by loved ones. No one knew that but God. I felt such joy knowing the Spirit of the Lord had spoken to me and used me, a young girl, as an instrument in his hands. 

And my joy was so great because I felt grandma right there with me. I knew she loved me and I felt her appreciation for getting the house clean in preparation for her viewing. Though she did not see my gift with her mortal eyes, I knew that she had seen my gift after all, through the eyes of her spirit, and she wanted me to know this. I also felt the Holy Spirit bear witness that I would see Grandma again because of the Savior’s gift of resurrection.

Decades have passed, and yet I still remember the joy I felt that day. I know there is life after death. I know that in and through and because of Jesus Christ we will see our loved ones again, and I know the Holy Spirit can speak to us, and use us as instruments in Gods hands, if we are willing, no matter what our age. 

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