Live Joyfully

I help people discover how they can find more joy and peace in their personal life, marriage and family, and help them discover that their sorrows can bring out the glory within them.


Creating joy for my family and helping make this world a more joyful and beautiful place is what I strive to be about. I have been a devoted wife and mother for over 42 years. I have raised five beautiful children, and I am helping to nurture 13 amazing grandchildren. I love life. I love people. I love serving and helping others.

I love the simple joys of life . . .

Like swinging on a bench swing, and singing lullabies as I rock a baby to sleep. I love  tulips, a sunset, or listening to the birds sing. Or hiking to the top of a mountain and enjoying a glorious view, or kayaking on a lake as still as glass.

I love playing with children.

Singing in the rain, jumping in puddles, or piles of leaves, rolling down hills, or hiking up a mountainside and then sliding down on our bottoms, making snowmen, sledding, or making gingerbread houses and then blowing them up on New Years Eve.

I  believe in God.

I am a Christian. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My faith in God has brought me exquisite joy and peace, and has helped to bring out the glory within me.

I have made mistakes and  have had my share of afflictions and sorrows. However,

I have found that sorrow has been a part of the joy.

I want to help others find joy and peace in the midst of their sorrows. 

The catalyst for Finding Joy and Peace came when I read this intriguing insight from my great grandmothers life, 

“Sorrow lets the glory out.” 

How does sorrow let glory out?

Together, we will bring to light the answer to this question through podcasts and posts. I am so glad you are here and that we can strive side by side to create more joy and peace, and uncover the glory within us. 


I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you would like to know more about my faith in Jesus Christ visit
