Angels and Miracles are Among us

Everyone has a mission. Everyone has something special they are to accomplish here on earth. Everyone was born with a gift, talent, or something God wants them to share in order to help others.

Each of us will encounter opposition as we strive to fulfill what God has asked of us. At times it will be hard, but we can do hard things as we  remember there are miracles and angels are among us. The heavens are not closed as some suppose. God does speak to his children through the Holy Spirit. In times of special need, God will send angels—divine messengers to help, instruct, affirm our faith and let us know we are not alone in the work we are given to do.

Our Guest, Tenna Hartman, will share the story of her hero, Joan of Arc, and liken it unto our day. She will illustrate how miracles come and angels visit those who have the faith to ask and believe.  

I loved learning about the life of Joan of Arc and all the angels and miracles that occurred! (which they seem to leave out in a history lesson).

I was so inspired when Joan said,  “Act and God will act.” As she acted on her faith, God would then act, performing miracles. My favorite miracle was the one involving the Sabath day.

Tenna weaves the patterns in history, the scriptures, and her own personal experiences with angels and helps us see their relevance for our day. I loved this podcast—it was so inspiring.  

Here is a link to the BYU show Joan of Arc that we refer to in the podcast, it is great show for the whole family to watch.

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