Be Not Afraid

By Camille Brooks

Have you ever been afraid? 

Jesus apostles felt fear, when suddenly without warning, the wind turned contrary and their ship was tossed with the waves. Each of us most likely know what that is like, to have our lives suddenly turn contrary and we find ourselves sinking in the boisterous waves of affliction.

One such occasion for me was when my third daughter was a baby. She was very sick with a high fever. I was already very worried for her, but then she had a seizure. I had never witnessed a seizure before. It was terrifying. We raced to the hospital. The doctors were convinced she had spinal meningitis. This diagnosis filled me with fear!  

The words of the savior came into my mind. “ Be not afraid.”

Why would the Lord command me to not be afraid?

Fear is paralyzing. Fear itself causes us to sink. It was fear that caused Peter to begin to sink when he was walking on the water. He got distracted and took his eyes off the Savior for just a brief moment, and looked down at the boisterous waves. 

I was sinking in fear because I, like Peter, I had gotten distracted and for a brief moment had taken my focus off the Savior. I was focusing on the boisterous waves— meningitis. 

How could I not be afraid?

I remembered something my husband had once explained to me, that each time the savior said,“Be not afraid,” it came as a commandment not as a suggestion, or just a good idea. If it was a commandment, I knew the Lord would provide a way for me to keep it, because God doesn’t give commandments we cannot keep. I also knew that God gives commandments because he loves us and wants what is best for us. 

What could I do to keep this commandment to not be afraid?

If someone else was to say to me, don’t be afraid, it wouldn’t have worked. It would have made me feel like they just didn’t understand what I was going through and how hard it was. 

However, I knew that the Savior did understand what I was going through with my daughter.  He was the only one who could really understand what I was experiencing, because he had already taken upon himself all my fears, and sorrows in Gethsemane. He loved me perfectly and He knew what was best for me and for my daughter. 

Did I believe Him? Did I trust Him? I realized it was not enough to just believe. Faith without works is dead. I needed to ask, to seek and to knock. I began to pray with all the energy of my heart, and to plead with the Lord to deliver me from the bondage of my fears, and strengthen me to know what to do next. I asked if He could bless us with a doctor who could successfully diagnose and treat our daughter.  As I exercised my faith in Jesus Christ, my fears were hushed and my heart was filled with peace. I knew I was not alone. The Savior would walk with me through this storm. 

I know the Savior will always come to each of us, walking on the boisterous sea and through whatever storm each of us are called to bear, whether it be the coronavirus, natural disasters, financial tragedies, health challenges, or marriage and family concerns. Whatever comes, let us remember to exercise faith and keep our eyes fastened upon Jesus Christ, and we will be able to walk through the storms of life. 

Isaiah 41:10

¶ Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.


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