Be Thankful For Your Troubles

Welcome to our Podcast—Be thankful for your Troubles

Petter Jeppson was in a head on car crash resulting in an explosion, with Peter trapped inside. Life after the crash would become a living hell. How would he be able to survive the excruciating pain that he would have to experience, physically, emotionally, and socially with the loss of 50% of his skin? How would he overcome the longing to die? How would he eventually find peace and joy?  

You will love this beautiful story of faith and courage,  how one man walked into hell and came forth as gold, a tried and tested son of God.

Stay with us I believe you will be inspired!

This is the beautiful poem Peter talks about in the podcast.


Pain stayed so long, I said to him today,

I will not have you with me any more.

I stamped my foot and said, “Be on your way!”

And paused, startled at the look he wore.

“I, who have been your friend,“ he said to me,

“I, who have been your teacher.

All you know of love, of sympathy and understanding and patience

I have taught you.  Shall I go?”

He spoke the truth, this strange unwelcomed guest.

I watched him leave and knew that he was wise.

He left a heart grown tender in my breast,

He left a far clear vision in my eyes.

I dried my tears, then lifted up a song,

Even for one who had tortured me so long.


This poem is quoted from a talk entitled Tragedy or Destiny, given by President Spencer W. Kimball at a devotional held at BYU on December 6, 1955.  – Author is unknown.

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