Can I Grow Up to Be Like You?

My day started out zooming a 2 year old granddaughter who lives far away. She hugged and kissed me through the screen, and begged me to read her stories. I was so touched how unconditional her love is for a woman she only knows through a screen.   

Later in the day, a three year old granddaughter ran out the door to greet me, twirling on her tiptoes and singing a made-up song. She danced around me, pausing a moment to lay her head on my leg and then smiling up at me singing “I love you so much, Grandma.” I was so inspired by her childlike joy and genuine love and said, “Can I grow up to be like you? 

These granddaughter’s joy filled me with joy. I wished in these moments that I could carry with me always the joy and peace of these young children. I wish I could dance and sing as I twirl throughout my day with sweet expressions of love.

The hint of spring was in the air, so I took her and her brother to the park. As we arrived my five year old grandson asked, “Grandma are you going to play with us?” I said, “Of course!” I slid down every slide, swung on every swing, rode on every teeter-totter and merry-go-round until I collapsed an hour and a half later.  

I tease my grandchildren that I am going to be ninety years old and still swinging on swings because I love playing with children so much. I hope this is will be true, but if not, I hope I can stay a child in my heart. I have a side of me that is like Peter Pan, I never want to grow up—I should rephrase that, I never want to grow old in my heart.

As I grow older and my body wears out, I wish I could grow up inside to be more like these precious children—so full of genuine love, peace, and joy! The joy I saw in these children today, gave me a glimpse of heaven, and something to continue to strive for. 
“…and a little child shall lead them” Isaiah 11:6

#joy, #peace, #love, #christianity, #comeuntochrist

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