Joy in Heroes – Finding Joy and Peace This blog is to help us live joyfully! To create joyful marriages, joyful families, joyful relationships, joyful homes and gardens, and joyful food. Most importantly this blog is to help us find peace and joy in the midst of our afflictions. Tue, 30 Mar 2021 14:46:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Does it Mean to be an American? Tue, 30 Mar 2021 14:45:49 +0000 What Does it Mean to be an American? Read More »

Most countries have a national language, culture and ethnicity.  This is not so for Americans. We represent a melting pot drawn from all nations, ethnicities, languages, and religions. So what does it mean to be an American? 

Today our guest, Gove Allen will address this question, by walking us through the seven founding values which make us Americans. He will help us understand our roots and how these foundational virtues became the bedrock of America.  

These values are what give us our identity as Americans and make us great. Without them we are no different than any other country. 

Five of the founding values have lost their original meaning in  the hearts of many Americans. 

D. Todd Christofferson warned, 

“A thriving society can fail in time if, it abandons the cardinal virtues that uphold its peace and prosperity.”

We need this podcast to be shared with every American in the hope it will inspire each of us to reaffirm and embrace these seven virtues in our lives. We are a nation at risk. God bless America!

Freedom Requires Sacrifice Mon, 01 Feb 2021 19:17:26 +0000 Freedom Requires Sacrifice Read More »


Todays  hero walked alongside this nation, in its infancy, for forty years.

He was considered one of the greatest warriors of all time and 

yet he hated war and wished it outlawed forever.

He defeated the greatest King of his time—Then was urged to become a King himself.

Instead he retired, and became a humble farmer.

And thus the very King he defeated called him…

“The Greatest Man of the Last Hundred Years.”

Napoleon Bonaparte called him,

“The Greatest Man of the Last Millennium”

He was “The Father of Our Country”

“First in War, First in Peace, First in our Hearts..

“The indispensable Man” he is George Wahsington

And our second Hero was…

George’s adopted daughter  

America’s first female Ambassador.

She played seven musical instruments,

spoke five languages, she was strong, feisty, intelligent, 

mischievous and the living joy of Mount Vernon,

an inspiring Woman every young lady should look up to…

Eleanor Parke Custis Washington, known as 

“Nelly” in George and Martha’s hearts.

#ComeuntoChrist, #peace, #joy, #faith, #George Washington, #Eleanor Parke Custis Washington, #constitution, #freedom, #liberty, #foundingfathers, #revolutionarywar, #brooklyn, #valleyforge, #Inauguration, #freedom requires sacrifice 

Without God, Liberty Will Not Last Mon, 09 Nov 2020 17:50:34 +0000 Without God, Liberty Will Not Last Read More »

What would life be like if you were not allowed to read the Bible and worship God as you please? What if you were persecuted for your beliefs and told you had to believe a certain way? What if you could not own your own land, choose your career, nor own the fruits of your labor?  What would you do? 

With faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the pilgrims came to America seeking resolution to these difficulties. We face many of these same concerns in our nation today. We sometimes take for granted the freedoms we have to worship God, follow our conscience, choose our career and then to work in a free market.

This year is the four hundredth anniversary of the pilgrims arrival in America.

As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday may we remember them—the sacrifices they made to follow their conscience and love God. 

In this podcast, we will learn of miracles as the Pilgrims were led by the hand of God in helping to lay the foundation of this great nation. 

This is a great podcast for the whole family to help them prepare for Thanksgiving. I loved seeing Gods Hand working through the pilgrims, I know you will too.

To find the Thanksgiving Proclamation, here: 

National Archives Founders Online

To Invite Colonial Heritage to your school, here:

Colonial Heritage Foundation

Angels and Miracles are Among us Mon, 26 Oct 2020 18:21:44 +0000 Angels and Miracles are Among us Read More »

Everyone has a mission. Everyone has something special they are to accomplish here on earth. Everyone was born with a gift, talent, or something God wants them to share in order to help others.

Each of us will encounter opposition as we strive to fulfill what God has asked of us. At times it will be hard, but we can do hard things as we  remember there are miracles and angels are among us. The heavens are not closed as some suppose. God does speak to his children through the Holy Spirit. In times of special need, God will send angels—divine messengers to help, instruct, affirm our faith and let us know we are not alone in the work we are given to do.

Our Guest, Tenna Hartman, will share the story of her hero, Joan of Arc, and liken it unto our day. She will illustrate how miracles come and angels visit those who have the faith to ask and believe.  

I loved learning about the life of Joan of Arc and all the angels and miracles that occurred! (which they seem to leave out in a history lesson).

I was so inspired when Joan said,  “Act and God will act.” As she acted on her faith, God would then act, performing miracles. My favorite miracle was the one involving the Sabath day.

Tenna weaves the patterns in history, the scriptures, and her own personal experiences with angels and helps us see their relevance for our day. I loved this podcast—it was so inspiring.  

Here is a link to the BYU show Joan of Arc that we refer to in the podcast, it is great show for the whole family to watch.

No One Signs Up to be a Hero Mon, 14 Sep 2020 16:52:52 +0000 No One Signs Up to be a Hero Read More »

Racism has raised up its ugly head in surprising and violent ways in recent months. How have you felt about all of this? Have these current circumstances aroused tender and painful memories for you?  

Not long ago, during world war 2, the people of Japanese ancestry were the victims of racism in the United Sates. Though they were Americans and lived in the land of the free, they were suddenly deemed to be the enemy, were rapidly rounded up and detained for 3 years behind barbed wire in remote relocation camps. This was true for our guest, Roger Koide’s, family. 

When I asked Roger who his hero was, he said, His family. He considered his mother, father and grandparents to all be heroes. The hardships they experienced and the choices they made because of racism have inspired Roger to persevere and do hard things.

A Fine Lady Wed, 03 Jun 2020 15:31:52 +0000

Podcast Series Joy in Heroes—A Fine Lady

Lisa Sommerfeldt shares the story of how her hero inspired her to do hard things and persevere. She shares how reading about her ancestors strengthened her in difficult times.  

To find and learn about your ancestors for free, go to:

No Ordinary Woman Wed, 06 May 2020 19:59:00 +0000 No Ordinary Woman Read More »


Joy in Heroes —Not an Ordinary Woman

Since this is the first podcast in the series, Joy in Heroes, we start with the hero that inspired the creation of these podcasts and the website Amanda Neff Bagely. From the ashes of her own sorrows of losing two children she founded a maternity ward that grew to be the largest Hospital in the state of Utah.
