Seeing God’s Hand – Finding Joy and Peace This blog is to help us live joyfully! To create joyful marriages, joyful families, joyful relationships, joyful homes and gardens, and joyful food. Most importantly this blog is to help us find peace and joy in the midst of our afflictions. Tue, 14 Sep 2021 13:00:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finding My Way To Christ Tue, 14 Sep 2021 12:38:35 +0000 Finding My Way To Christ Read More »

 Each of us will experience the unfairness of life, and receive injuries, whether real or perceived, at the hands of others. Will these injuries cause us to become spiritually blinded with anger, and revenge or with draw from the fold of God ? Or will we choose to accept, forgive, and allow the Savior’s Atonement to absorb all the unfairness in our lives? 

James Talmage taught, 

“Every human soul shall be tested as by fire.” Our guest today Jana Tuttle was literally and spiritually tested by fire. She was hit in the eye with a firework 6 years ago. She is here to tell us about her journey and how her accident helped her find her way to Christ—who absorbed all the unfairness in her life and left in its place an all encompassing peace and joy.  

#ComeUntoChrist, #findingjoyandpeace, #christianity, #podcasts#faith, #unfairness

Waiting Patiently Upon The Lord Tue, 13 Apr 2021 12:16:00 +0000 Waiting Patiently Upon The Lord Read More »


Our guest, Marcia Price, can empathize with those who may experience intense emotions over lost or unfulfilled dreams.

From an early age, she envisioned life as a happily married woman with a large family. She was blessed to have only one biological child which was one of the greatest blessings of her life. She wanted to have many more children, but that didn’t happen for her. And then through a failed marriage, her fairy tale story seemed to dissolve before her eyes. She was heartbroken.

But God hears every prayer and knows the righteous desires of our hearts. Some blessings come soon, some come later in life and others don’t come until mortality is over. Our guest today will share her miraculous story—a story of a righteous desire being fulfilled at an unexpected time and in an unexpected way. Her story demonstrates that with God nothing is impossible.  

Stay with us I believe you will be inspired.

Talks Used:

The Great Commandment by Ezra Taft Benson

Adversity and You by Marvin J. Ashton

Waiting Upon the Lord by Jeffery R. Holland

#comeuntochrist #findingjoyandpeace #infertility #adoption #family #podcast  

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Finding a New Life Through Loss Tue, 16 Feb 2021 13:22:08 +0000 Finding a New Life Through Loss Read More »

Losses in life can change our world, taking away our familiar comfortable life and plunging us into an entirely new reality.  If we can get through the shock and grief that comes with trials, we will quickly find that this new reality provides many new opportunities, a whole new set of possibilities. 

Our guest, Ellen Huff, shares her experiences of loss—loss of a mother, loss of a spouse through divorce, financial loss—a business failing, and the loss that comes when our children make different decisions than we would like. She teaches us the three principles that helped her accept what was, open new doors and embrace her new life with joy. 

#ComeuntoChrist, #peace, #joy, #faith, #loss, #death, #divorce, #financial-loss, #children, #accept, #open-new-doors, #embrace

Finding Peace in Turbulent Times Mon, 30 Nov 2020 15:01:16 +0000 Finding Peace in Turbulent Times Read More »

Directly east from my home, there is a beautiful mountain that rises majestically over our little community with a charming reservoir below. Not long ago this mountain stood proud with its lovely greenery reaching for the sky, with no concerns other than changing her colors in response to the gentle whisperings of Autumn in the air. Now, she stands black and smoldering. 

The night of the fire, severe winds caused the fire to

spread quickly covering 1,000 acres within an hour and grounded most of the aerial firefighting efforts. Things looked bad. However, to the credit of the people in my small community, many prayed with all their hearts for God’s deliverance. Their prayers were heard and answered almost immediately. 

You will love our guest Michelle Baer as she shares her witness that miracles have not ceased for those who put their trust in God. 

#ComeuntoChrist, #Peace, #joy,#powerofpryaer.#miracleshavenotceased,, #faith, #christianity, #preparedwillnotfear, #honorhim, #God’sword

Is a Disability a Curse or a Blessing? Wed, 17 Jun 2020 17:32:20 +0000 Is a Disability a Curse or a Blessing? Read More »

We all come into this world with different kinds of disabilities, handicaps, or weaknesses and find our selfs lacking in one way or another. Now, I know that many people see trials as being more of a curse than a blessing. But what if our disability was a blessings in disguise?

Hi, I am Colton Purcell and was born with a rare type of dwarfism.  I have come to see things very differently. I have seen Gods hand helping me become a better man for the trials I have endured

The Miracle of Forgiveness Wed, 13 May 2020 22:04:05 +0000 The Miracle of Forgiveness Read More »


As we talk today we will explore how Joanna has seen the hand of God working in her life, to soften her heart and change her, and bring about reconciliation with her mother and the miracle of forgiveness.

So many of our listeners throughout the world have grown up in dysfunctional homes, and experienced emotional abuse. They are left with deep wounds and scars that are difficult to heal. Joanna’s story helps us realize that with God nothing is impossible and if we we will allow Him, God will heal our broken hearts and all our wounds. 

Read more about Joana’s story

We referenced the book “Bonds that Make us Free” by Terry Warner and recommend it for more help with emotional healing. 

Tags: Forgiveness,Reconciliation,Family,Christianity,Mothers,Daughters,Healing, Emotional Abuse
