Conversation Starters For Children, Grandchildren, Nieces, Nephews and Grandparents

Summer is coming and a great time to Turn our hearts to our families in deeper and more meaningful ways. The next time you see your family here is a questionnaire for family members to fill out or just questions to ask and get others talking. Questions help build family relationships and improve our quality time together. Enjoy and have fun with it.

Questions Provided by Linda Eyre


1.Contact Information and social media for teens 

What is your phone number (for texts)? Other social media sites?

2. What is something that you love to do or that make you happy?

3. Favorites
Food, sport, movie, singer, game, school subject
New Testament Hero
Old Testament Hero
Book of Mormon Hero

4. About YOU
Describe yourself in three words?
Who is your best friends right now?
What is something you are really good at?
What is something you wish you were good at but are not?
Why do you like yourself?
What do you worry about?
What is one recent example of your kindness to others?
What are you afraid of?
How happy are you right now on a scale of 1-10?

5. Your future
What is one thing you are looking forward to this year?
What is something you want to improve?
What are two things you will look for in your future husband or wife? Where would you like to live if you could live anywhere?
What are three things you are pretty sure will do in your life?
What is something you will never do?

6. Spirituality
What do you ask for most in your prayers?
What do you thank Heavenly Father most for?
What do you love about Jesus? 

7. Admiration and Examples: 

What is one thing you admire in your dad? 

What do you admire most about your mom? 

In one of your siblings?
In one of your cousins? 

In one of your uncles or aunts? 

8. What is one important thing about that you that did not come out in any of the questions above?

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