Daughter of an Addict a Beautiful Gift in an Ugly Package

Imagine being sat down one day and having your father tell you he was arrested for prostitution and has struggled with sexual addiction for most of his life. How would you feel? How would this change your world? How could the sorrow of betrayal be turned to your good and bring out the glory within you? 

Tara McCausland mother, Rhyll Croshaw, shared her story in a previous podcast—The Sorrow Of Betrayal Trauma, which has blessed the lives of many. Today we will hear the story from the perspective of a child in the hope of blessing others who struggle with or are impacted by sexual addiction. 

You will be touched by this story as you learn more about what trust really is and isn’t, how you can access forgiveness and avoid the dangers of shame. 

Guest Tara McCausland teaches us beautiful insights, 

“In all of this darkness sometimes people can get stuck there in the darkness. But I really do believe all things no matter how messy and painful can be turned to our good if we give them to God. 

There are so many people who are hiding in the shadows. Both those who suffer from addictions and those who suffer from betrayal trauma, because there is so much shame connected to this challenge. 

Shame damages us, but if we can understand that connection and love for ourselves and others— are powerful remedies to peoples challenges, we will stop living in shame and stop shaming others and the love that can heal can be more manifest in our lives.” 

There is help and there is hope for the addict and those betrayed. There are resources to help you find peace and joy in you life a if you reach out. Click on the link below:


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