Finding My Way To Christ

 Each of us will experience the unfairness of life, and receive injuries, whether real or perceived, at the hands of others. Will these injuries cause us to become spiritually blinded with anger, and revenge or with draw from the fold of God ? Or will we choose to accept, forgive, and allow the Savior’s Atonement to absorb all the unfairness in our lives? 

James Talmage taught, 

“Every human soul shall be tested as by fire.” Our guest today Jana Tuttle was literally and spiritually tested by fire. She was hit in the eye with a firework 6 years ago. She is here to tell us about her journey and how her accident helped her find her way to Christ—who absorbed all the unfairness in her life and left in its place an all encompassing peace and joy.  

#ComeUntoChrist, #findingjoyandpeace, #christianity, #podcasts#faith, #unfairness

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