This first podcast is an introduction to a series of podcasts titled, Sorrow Lets the Glory Out. I share one of my first encounters with sorrow and some insights that could help us, as we face the afflictions that come into our lives.
“Trials are not tragedies unless we make them so.
They are opportunities for us to really need the Savior.
In our needing Him, we come to know Him.
As we come to know Him, we become likeHim.
However, if we do not need Him, come to know Him, and become
like Him through our sufferings, we have just suffered in vain”
(Camille Brooks)
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Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing such a intimate story from your childhood. It was beautiful and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing purpose in trial and encouraging me to find faith in hardship. Great job!!!
Thank you for listening and being my cheerleader!