How Drug Addiction and Death Let the Glory out in Me

Deana Coates shares her journey with sorrow and finding eventual peace:

“We had been a pretty typical family, I think. But it felt like the light in our home and family was being dimmed. Our son became very argumentative and didn’t want to spend much time with the family. These were the first warning signs, but these are also signs that a child is experiencing adolescence and growing up. I felt hurt when Brian didn’t want to participate with the family, but, I didn’t suspect drugs.”

I was so inspired by Deana’s story and insights I know you will be too. I believe every parent can glean something form her experience. She reminds us,

“Try to separate the addiction from the person. We need to tell our loved ones you are not this addiction, or this problem what ever they are going through, you are a beloved daughter and son of God. He loves you and I love you.”  

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2 thoughts on “How Drug Addiction and Death Let the Glory out in Me”

  1. What a beautiful message of hope for families who are suffering with the addiction of loved ones. I have known Deana for about 30 years. She sees people for who they are. She truly knows how to mourn with those who mourn, and I think she learned it through her own journey of letting the Savior in. What a poignant and much needed message. Thank-you for providing this platform to help countless others.

    1. Thank you.I am so glad you enjoyed it. I am so grateful she was willing to share her story. I believed she had a lot to share that could bless other peoples lives. Deana has a spiritual gift to see people the way God sees them.

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