Joy in Marriage and Family

Joy in Marriage and Family

Helping families find more joy and peace through the craziness of life.

Jesus Christ Our Beloved Redeemer

What would our lives be like without Jesus Christ? Have you ever pondered this question?  Russell Nelson taught,   The more you learn about the Savior, the easier it will...


Give Thanks In all Circumstances

Is it really possible to give thanks in all our circumstances? What about the times when everything seems to be going wrong in our lives?  Dieter Uchtdorf explained that,  “Being...


You are the Perfect Mother for Me

Someone once said, “Behind every great kid is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing it all up” You will love our guest  Mary Wall, as she helps us walk...


The Joy of Motherhood—But How?

Did you always want to be a Mom? When you held your new baby for the first time, you felt immense joy and hopeful anticipation of what this new adventure...


Setting Boundaries and Surrendering to God

This podcast is for everyone. Guest Rhyll Croshaw has had vast experience establishing and maintaining boundaries and helping women all over the world do the same. She applies the process...


Understanding pornography

Would you like to learn more about how to help, save, protect, or heal your marriage and family from the devastating effects of pornography?  Dr. Adam Moore is a licensed...


Teaching our children Resilience

Teaching our children how to be resilient has become crucial if we want our children to become competent, responsible and emotionally healthy adults. Dale Munk will teach us what we...


Love at Home

The love in Lia Huntington’s home is so thick you could cut it with a knife! Her children adore her, are respectful, happy and competent. Why? In this podcast we...

Let's Get Started