Looking For God’s Hand

By Camille Brooks

One day as I was working alongside my daughter in-law, I shared how I had seen the hand of the Lord blessing me with little miracles. She said” Do you know why God keeps blessing you with so many little miracles?” I responded, “Tell me why? What do you think?” She said,“Because you see God’s hand working in your life, you are grateful to Him, so He blesses you with more and more.” Her kind words touched me deeply. I became more determined to make it part of my mission to look for the hand of God working in my life and in the lives of others and then to express gratitude to Him for it. 

I have found it makes me so happy to look for His hand and that it is impossible to stay frustrated, irritated, depressed, discouraged or sad when doing so. If you look for His hand, you will always find it, and when you do, you can’t help but feel His love. It is as though His love breaks through the darkness and the world becomes more beautiful.

What does it mean to look for God’s hand in our everyday life?

It is looking for things to be grateful for. 

It is looking for how He has answered our prayers or the righteous desires of our hearts that have been unspoken. 

It is looking to see how God is in the little details of our lives—leading, guiding, and walking beside us.

It is seeing the Atonement working in our life. 

It is looking for promptings of the Spirit, being able to hear and respond to them.

It is looking for how we were able to be an instrument in God’s hand to bless someone else. 

It is looking to see how others have blessed our life and helped answer our prayers. 

It is looking for evidence of His love for us in all the world around us.

It is seeing Him in His creations—a sunset, the song of a bird, or the seasons. If we don’t pause and say a thank-you prayer for the beauty of the earth, we miss out on receiving a hug from our Heavenly Father. 

Most importantly, It is looking for evidence of His divine character—HIs Omniscience, Omnipresence, mercy, grace, kindness, and justice. It is looking for how His perfect character has blessed, helped, strengthened, comforted, healed, taught, counseled, given direction, protected, intervened, provided, and helped us solve concerns.  

Look and Live

Every day for the last ten months, I have faced insurmountable problems to solve. It would normally be very frustrating, discouraging, and depressing. However I have felt peace and joy and have never been happier. This has only been possible because of my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and choosing to look for His hand blessing me each day.

I have been so grateful that I had developed the habit of looking for God’s hand long before now. Looking for God’s hand and focusing on His love for me has brought comfort, courage, hope, peace and joy even though I face a steady stream of problems and complications each day. Still, I witness miracles daily.

Looking for Gods hand is just like the serpent Moses fashioned in the wilderness. God provided a way for His people to be healed if they would only look. But because of the simpleness of the way, many would not look and perished. 

So it is in our day, looking for God’s hand and expressing daily gratitude for what we see, is such a tiny, simple thing and yet the power it creates in our lives is immeasurable. So many will not see its magnitude and will choose to not look and see. 

My husband and I share each night at dinner how we have seen the Hand of God that day. I have seen this simple practice multiply blessings and deepen the joy in our marriage. I stand all amazed at how through small and simple things great things come to pass. I know if we choose to look and see God’s Hand, we will always see it, and if we express gratitude, as my daughter in law said, “God will bless us with more and more.”

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