Patterns of Liberty

Guest Post by Tenna Hartman

 I have always loved patterns. As a child I especially loved paper, cutting paper and making patterns.  When I grew up, I saw this was a gift. I could see the patterns that a kind God had provided us and, I could see the patterns of human nature.  I began to see patterns in history and the scriptures. I realized that there are patterns that repeat themselves over and over.  If we can learn the patterns and true principles provided to us by our wonderful progenitors, we can actually avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that have been made in the past, improve our current situation and the future.  I know, I know, you say, “But I am not like the people in history.”  or, “We are much smarter now than the people were hundreds of years ago.” or, “We are more enlightened now…”  Well, you know the saying, “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.”  

I see it with my children, as they willfully go out into the world and make the same mistakes I made. They think they are going to get a different result because and say, “I am not like you.”  However, if they apply the same pattern they will get the same results because human nature is the same.   For example, I have a daughter who if I told her what to do, she would Never do it, Ever!!. I quickly learned that, if I explained the consequences for certain actions and the blessings for others, then she would think about it and if I was patient enough, she would most often make the correct choice. I also see it in our neighborhoods, our communities, States and Federal government. We are currently making choices that others in history have made and if we make the same choices, we will suffer the same consequences. If we make the right choices we will be provided with great rewards; if we do not study or have a knowledge of history we cannot understand the values and experiences of our founders and we will repeat some of the same mistakes that past societies have made. Some of these outcomes met with calamitous results. 

If we can learn the stories of history and study it’s patterns, we will be better prepared to see the negative patterns when they come our way. We can use our new knowledge to root out the bad patterns and shore up the good ones.  If we can see the patterns of history and use the knowledge and principles to make informed choices, then we won’t make a choice blindly without knowing all of the information. I realized there are certain things, that if we do them, then we get either blessings and rewards or consequences and punishments. Sometimes, these are brought upon us by ourselves and sometimes by others. If we can learn the patterns and principles of Liberty, we will have the blessings associated with them. The pattern for Liberty is as follows: 

 1. Love God, Obey and Serve Him.

2. Love others and serve them. 

3. Protect Individual Rights

 I have discovered five blessings that come when we put these patterns in place.  There may be more, but most fit into these five categories.  I find it interesting, that there are five because, the number 5 in Judaism/Hebrew numerology symbolizes God’s grace, goodness and favor toward humans and is mentioned 318 times in the Bible.  Five multiplied by itself is 25 which is  ’grace upon grace”  or harmony and balance (see John 1:16-17). It is also interesting that the 10 commandments contain two sets of 5 commandments. The first five have to do with our treatment of God and our relationship with him. The second five address our treatment and relationship with others. They are set up to prevent trampling on other’s Liberties.   It is also interesting to me, that these five blessings mirror the blessings that were given to Abraham and his posterity and, from Jacob/Israel to his Sons in the Bible. When they chose to keep God’s laws, they prospered and had peace and posterity.  

The number five also relates to individual freedom. The Blessings are: 

  1. Peace
  2. Prosperity 
  3. Posterity 
  4. Power 
  5. Protection

 When we obey the law of Liberty we are blessed and when we do not keep the law of Liberty, then the blessings are removed.  One of my favorite scriptures on Liberty is Leviticus 25:10“…and proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof…”  Is it any coincidence that this scripture is found in Leviticus which means “the law” and that the chapter is 25, grace upon grace and the verse is 10?  I think it is an interesting piece of information to ponder……. 

As I have studied these principles and taught them, I have come to know that they are true. As I have applied them into my daily life, I have seen magnificent blessings come. My mind has been enlightened, I have had books and knowledge come into my life, I have had miracles happen, I have great peace, I have been prospered, protected and blessed in many, many ways.   The “Patterns of Liberty” are for everyone, all people, churches, religions and  nations. God will never take away our ability to choose. If we choose to use our freedom combined with righteousness, morality and virtue we will be able to enjoy the blessings. If we choose to use our Freedom combined with vice, dishonesty and immorality we will suffer the negative consequences—It is up to us.   

I echo the words of Luke, “I have prayed for thee, that thy faith may not fail; and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.”    I pray that the gospel of Liberty will distill upon your heart and mind and that you will have faith in God. I pray that once you receive these things you will be converted and then strengthen your family, your neighbors, friends and others.  This is our duty “proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”  (Leviticus 25:10)  I promise you that if you will do this, you will be blessed in ways you cannot imagine. The light of Liberty will distill upon your hearts and minds and you will have protection, peace, property, prosperity and posterity. 

I hope you will check out Tenna’s book “Patterns of Liberty –How to apply them to ur lives and teach them to our children.” I Loved her book. I gave one to my daughter to use in her homeschooling with her children. Thank you for sharing this post with us Tenna and for your wonderful podcast on Joan of Arc. I loved it!


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