podcast Archive December 9, 2021 What would our lives be like without Jesus Christ? Have... Jesus Christ Our Beloved Redeemer November 16, 2021 Is it really possible to give thanks in all our... Give Thanks In all Circumstances October 19, 2021 The storms of life are no respecter of marriages. What... Whatever Jesus Lays His Hands Upon Lives September 14, 2021 Each of us will experience the unfairness of life, and... Finding My Way To Christ August 17, 2021 We live in world where more and more people struggle... How do we teach joy and values to children? May 24, 2021 When we do not accept what is, life is an... Joy is Ours For the Choosing May 10, 2021 At the end of your life what will you regret?... Turning Our Hearts To Our Families April 27, 2021 Imagine being sat down one day and having your father... Daughter of an Addict a Beautiful Gift in an Ugly Package April 13, 2021 Our guest, Marcia Price, can empathize with those who may... Waiting Patiently Upon The Lord March 30, 2021 Most countries have a national language, culture and ethnicity. This... What Does it Mean to be an American? March 16, 2021 Today there will be much talk of women in high... Godly Women— Creators and Shapers of Humanity March 2, 2021 Welcome to our Podcast—Be thankful for your Troubles Petter Jeppson... Be Thankful For Your Troubles February 16, 2021 Losses in life can change our world, taking away our... Finding a New Life Through Loss February 1, 2021 Todays hero walked alongside this nation, in its infancy, for... Freedom Requires Sacrifice January 18, 2021 Someone once said, “Behind every great kid is a mom... You are the Perfect Mother for Me January 4, 2021 Did you always want to be a Mom? When you... The Joy of Motherhood—But How? November 30, 2020 Directly east from my home, there is a beautiful mountain... Finding Peace in Turbulent Times November 9, 2020 What would life be like if you were not allowed... Without God, Liberty Will Not Last October 26, 2020 Everyone has a mission. Everyone has something special they are... Angels and Miracles are Among us September 28, 2020 Have you ever felt it was your responsibility to fix... I Don’t Have To Make Everything All Better September 14, 2020 Racism has raised up its ugly head in surprising and... No One Signs Up to be a Hero September 1, 2020 Keeping secrets from a spouse is not only wrong, but... Healing from Betrayal Trauma caused by a spouse’s use of Pornography August 18, 2020 This podcast is for everyone. Guest Rhyll Croshaw has had... Setting Boundaries and Surrendering to God August 4, 2020 This Podcast is so inspiring! You will love Kaye’s meekness... Refiner’s Fire July 14, 2020 Imagine being married to someone you think you know well,... The Sorrow of Betrayal Trauma— Is there hope? July 6, 2020 Would you like to learn more about how to help,... Understanding pornography July 1, 2020 Deana Coates shares her journey with sorrow and finding eventual... How Drug Addiction and Death Let the Glory out in Me June 23, 2020 There are many new regulations and bills being pushed forward... What can we, as U.S. citizens, do to preserve our democracy and our freedoms? June 17, 2020 We all come into this world with different kinds of... Is a Disability a Curse or a Blessing? June 3, 2020 Podcast Series Joy in Heroes—A Fine Lady Lisa Sommerfeldt shares... A Fine Lady May 27, 2020 Teaching our children how to be resilient has become crucial... Teaching our children Resilience May 22, 2020 Why do bad things happen to good people? How can... Understanding Adversity May 13, 2020 Embed this one episode on your website As we talk... The Miracle of Forgiveness May 6, 2020 Joy in Heroes —Not an Ordinary Woman Since this is... No Ordinary Woman April 30, 2020 The love in Lia Huntington’s home is so thick you... Love at Home March 27, 2020 This first podcast is an introduction to a series of... How can you Let the Glory Out within You?
December 9, 2021 What would our lives be like without Jesus Christ? Have... Jesus Christ Our Beloved Redeemer
November 16, 2021 Is it really possible to give thanks in all our... Give Thanks In all Circumstances
October 19, 2021 The storms of life are no respecter of marriages. What... Whatever Jesus Lays His Hands Upon Lives
September 14, 2021 Each of us will experience the unfairness of life, and... Finding My Way To Christ
August 17, 2021 We live in world where more and more people struggle... How do we teach joy and values to children?
April 27, 2021 Imagine being sat down one day and having your father... Daughter of an Addict a Beautiful Gift in an Ugly Package
April 13, 2021 Our guest, Marcia Price, can empathize with those who may... Waiting Patiently Upon The Lord
March 30, 2021 Most countries have a national language, culture and ethnicity. This... What Does it Mean to be an American?
March 16, 2021 Today there will be much talk of women in high... Godly Women— Creators and Shapers of Humanity
March 2, 2021 Welcome to our Podcast—Be thankful for your Troubles Petter Jeppson... Be Thankful For Your Troubles
February 16, 2021 Losses in life can change our world, taking away our... Finding a New Life Through Loss
February 1, 2021 Todays hero walked alongside this nation, in its infancy, for... Freedom Requires Sacrifice
January 18, 2021 Someone once said, “Behind every great kid is a mom... You are the Perfect Mother for Me
November 30, 2020 Directly east from my home, there is a beautiful mountain... Finding Peace in Turbulent Times
November 9, 2020 What would life be like if you were not allowed... Without God, Liberty Will Not Last
October 26, 2020 Everyone has a mission. Everyone has something special they are... Angels and Miracles are Among us
September 28, 2020 Have you ever felt it was your responsibility to fix... I Don’t Have To Make Everything All Better
September 14, 2020 Racism has raised up its ugly head in surprising and... No One Signs Up to be a Hero
September 1, 2020 Keeping secrets from a spouse is not only wrong, but... Healing from Betrayal Trauma caused by a spouse’s use of Pornography
August 18, 2020 This podcast is for everyone. Guest Rhyll Croshaw has had... Setting Boundaries and Surrendering to God
July 14, 2020 Imagine being married to someone you think you know well,... The Sorrow of Betrayal Trauma— Is there hope?
July 1, 2020 Deana Coates shares her journey with sorrow and finding eventual... How Drug Addiction and Death Let the Glory out in Me
June 23, 2020 There are many new regulations and bills being pushed forward... What can we, as U.S. citizens, do to preserve our democracy and our freedoms?
June 17, 2020 We all come into this world with different kinds of... Is a Disability a Curse or a Blessing?
May 27, 2020 Teaching our children how to be resilient has become crucial... Teaching our children Resilience
March 27, 2020 This first podcast is an introduction to a series of... How can you Let the Glory Out within You?