What can we, as U.S. citizens, do to preserve our democracy and our freedoms?

There are many new regulations and bills being pushed forward that are scary.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. Evil is on the rise in our beloved land of the free. Will it triumph? Will we lose our precious freedoms such as the right to work and provide for our families or to worship God as we please? With so much chaos going on around us, many are asking what we can do to preserve our democracy and freedoms?

Our guest, Shauna Sanders, will help us discover specific and simple actions we can take to more fully participate in our government, have a say in the bills and regulations being passed, and better prepare for the upcoming elections.

Show Notes

What can we, as U.S. citizens, do to preserve our democracy and our freedoms?

Start with studying the history of democracy

            – Rome

            – Magna Carta

            – Constitutional Convention

Next, learn who are your representatives, local, state, and national

What specific actions can we take to participate in government?

Take action on a local level

            – city hall meetings

            – run for a seat on a local government council or help campaign

            – make friends with local leaders

Follow state leaders

            – utah.gov

            – follow representatives on social media

            – email your respective representatives on issues

Participate in notice and comment procedures

      – regulations.gov


These websites will help you get started in your desire to preserve our freedoms.

utah.gov for the legislature (there is a link at the bottom of the page titled “My legislators” where you can enter your address and zip and see your representative and senator along with all the contact information you need), plus you can look at

le.utah.gov/bills to find out what bills are being discussed and considered in both the House and the Senate

house.utah.gov/social-media will allow you to follow your representatives on FB, IG, and Twitter

senate.utah.gov/follow-the-senate allows you to do the same for the Utah senate

To learn about candidates and issues, check out vote411.org, a non-profit website sponsored by the Women’s League of Voters for a non-partisan view of candidates

and, finally, regulations.gov contains links to notice and comment boards for all regulations being pursued by the administrative branch of the Federal government


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