what can you do when there is no money for Christmas?

By Camille Brooks.
The air was biting cold. I could feel it in my bones. It wasn’t just in my bones. I could feel the chill in my heart as well. Why? Because Christmas was on its way and I was depressed. I knew in my head I was supposed to be thrilled with the prospect of Christmas close at hand, but I wasn’t. Usually I was—I love Christmas time; however, this year was different. 

We had reviewed our finances the day before and found there was no money for Christmas. When it rains it pours, and it had poured lately at our house with lots of unexpected expenses and our savings were drained. What were we to do with five little children and their expectations for Christmas? 

I knelt in prayer and asked for God’s help, believing He would answer me, and help turn this trial to my good. After I prayed, I found ideas kept popping into my head—ideas of homemade Christmas gifts I could make or acquire that would thrill each of my children. I quickly wrote down the ideas that came to me. All of a sudden, the worry was gone, the depression had lifted, and in its place, was a feeling of peace. 

I ran to the phone and called both sets of grandmas. Did they have any old fancy evening type purses they didn’t use any more? How about ladies’ gloves, hats, scarves, shawls or high heels? Did they have old nail polish, lipstick, blush, eyeshadow? And ties and hats for men? 

The hunt was on! I felt inspired to create a box of dress-ups that cost me absolutely nothing except a little time calling people and gathering things up. I was led to a particular garage sale and found a plastic vanity set someone was discarding for a couple of dollars. It was perfect to go with the makeup! 

I looked through my children’s old baby clothes and put together a darling collection of nightgowns, play clothes, dresses, bonnets, shoes and socks for their old doll—Teresa. By now I was on cloud nine. I was having so much fun collecting all this stuff and anticipating the joy these things would provide as my children played dress ups in the days to come.  

 I was on a roll now. I was having such a good time I couldn’t stop. I then looked through my scraps of old fabric and decided to sew a few simple things to add to the fun—like doll clothes for their old doll that was too small for real-life baby clothes. They turned out adorable!

I had never felt this much joy preparing for Christmas before. I learned that there is just nothing in the world like making homemade gifts. I was so excited for Christmas morning that I had a hard time sleeping! The love that you put into the gifts—combined with the anticipation of the children playing with them—is priceless.

This particular Christmas ended up being one of the most memorable and joyful Christmases we ever had with our young family. The children were absolutely crazy about the dress-ups, makeup, and doll clothes! They enjoyed countless hours playing make believe with a box of stuff that cost nothing. My thirteen grandchildren have continued to find joy playing with this box of dress-ups to this day.

Though my children are now grown and raising families of their own, I will never forget the joy and peace of that Christmas morning. 

I also learned a lot from this experience. I set up an automatic withdrawal from my husband’s paycheck each month, so that a little money could be set aside for emergencies, Christmas, and other annual expenses. I also decided to start sewing in September for Christmas and make homemade gifts for my children every year.

I have buckets full of wonderful memories; sewing beautiful nightgowns, pajamas, dresses, school clothes, and make-believe costumes and toys. I never would have found the joy of sewing and making homemade gifts, without the sorrow first.

 God did answer my prayers and did turn this financial trial to my good in more ways than one. This is because God is good. He loves us and wants to help us find joy and peace, even in the midst of our afflictions, if we but ask, in faith, believing that He will. Only He can turn a heart that is icy and cold from worry and fear into a heart full of peace and joy. 

James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” 


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