“Wise Men Still Adore Him”

What I love about Jesus Christ

I love that Jesus Christ loved us so much that He, the God of this world, the great I Am, Jehovah, of the Old Testament was willing to take upon Himself flesh; dwell among us; teaching and setting an example for us; suffering at our hands and dying for us, so that He could descend below all things; suffering all things; yielding to wicked men, and laying down His life. As a God, he could have stopped it at any time, but He didn’t so that he could bring about our individual salvation. 

I love that He broke the bands of death and was resurrected for me. I rejoice to know that I will rise from the grave, with my body and spirit reunited, so that I may enter into the presence of God to be judged for my works.

I love that Jesus Christ is the creator of this world and worlds without number. I know He created all things in heaven and earth, spiritually and temporally, and thus all His creations obey His command. I love that His creations are for my pleasure and that His spirit is in all things and as I pause to enjoy His creations, I feel His love for me. 

I love that my Heavenly Father loved me so much that He was willing to sacrifice His only begotten son as a ransom for my sins, so that His mercy could be extended to me instead of the justice I so rightly deserve!

I love that my perfect, sinless and unselfish brother, Jesus Christ, was willing to take upon himself all my sins, so that I might not suffer an endless torment and be eternally lost and banished from our Father’s presence.  

I love that my Savior didn’t just rescue me from my sins, but He willingly bore all my infirmities, sicknesses and sorrows, so that whatever is wrong and unfair about my life will be made right through His Atonement. I love that he knows how to succor me when tempted or hurt by this fallen world because he knows me and my weaknesses personally.

I love that Jesus Christ is my Advocate with the Father, that He pleads before the Father my cause—for my sins, my weaknesses, saying, “Spare her she has believed on my name,” if I am willing to follow His conditions of repentance.

I love that His Atonement was an infinite and perfect Atonement for me as an individual—but only If I too, like the Savior, am willing to be meek, and come with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and accept this selfless sacrifice that was given for me, and follow Him faithfully till the end of my days. 

I stand all amazed of the sacrifices my Savior Jesus Christ has made for me. How could I not accept these gifts—given in love and at such a great price? I will, I will!  Never, oh never will I forsake my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ for the love they have given me!

“Herein is love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent His son!” This is the true spirit of Christmas! 

I invite each of us to remember this Christmas season that, “Wisemen still adore Him and seek Him!”

What do you love about Jesus Christ?


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