You Are The Perfect Mother For Me

I don’t know if it is just me or if everyone form time to time, looks back on their mothering experiences and feels a little sorrow and regret for not being the perfect mother—we long to be, but alas we are not. We are humans and have never been mothers before thus making mistakes as we go.

I find on these occasions, when I am trying to beat myself up about not being the perfect mom, that the spirit brings back to my memory gentle whisperings of something I may have done right. 

For example, I was listening to some music as I got ready for the day and the hymn “Jesus the Very Thought of Thee” came on. A flood of beautiful memories ran over me like a spring rain. This hymn was the first lullaby I sang to my newborn children the first night after bringing them home from the hospital. I remember as though it were yesterday sitting in the rocking chair and weeping for joy as I sang this hymn to my beloved infants. 

I have pondered why when my mind starts spiraling downward and wants to dwell on my follies, does the spirit gently remind me of the good things I did as a mother?

I believe it is evidence of God’s grace and mercy and that the Holy Spirt is trying to remind me of this truth— only the Savior Jesus Christ is perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect mother. However, through and in and because of the Savior, I can become the perfect mother for my children. 

Through divine design God put us together in families, and matched my children with me as their mother. God is perfect and omniscient, so I can trust that I am just what my children needed in spite of my flaws, and they are just what I needed. Together with God’s help we will grow and become what God intended us to be. 

The next time the adversary fills our minds with discouraging thoughts about our mothering, let us remember this thought by Jill Churchill “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one” and then rejoice in the little things we did get right. 

Listen to an inspiring podcast on this @

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